Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tonight, We Are Young!......


So. Today is Valentines day. I didn't wake up to any cute texts, i don't have that special someone to send a sweet "i love you" text to----and that is OK!

Everyone makes such a big deal out of valentines day. They go out of the norm to do big and grand things.  Even when i'm married, i don't want it to be like that.  I want to show our love the other 364  days of the week. V-day can just be another nice dinner together followed by cuddling and falling asleep together--awe. 

So, in tradition of what i believe valentines day should be--im going to dinner at B Dubs with some really great friends.  One of which is one of my very best friends.  I'm going to have a great night with people i really care about.  Perfect celebration of the day if you ask me.

I read this quote earlier this morning that said, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."  

I needed that. Oh how i needed that.  If i want change--i'm going to bring about change.  There is no point waiting for people or things to change when i have the full capability to change myself.  

Happy Valentines day :)

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