Sunday, April 8, 2012


I was super bummed that i had to work easter sunday--a sunday at all really. I woke up late, and was 30 minutes late to work--crap.

But the day went by decently fast. I simply did sudoku all day (thanks to tanner, my 7 year old nephew, teaching me how).

I was talking to Taryn about recent events. She said she was proud of me for sticking up for myself. I am proud of me for sticking up for myself, too.  I have never really done that--especially with someone i liked so much. 

....then i had the audacity to start doubting myself.  Did i over react? I let it happen last time, why not that time? was i unfair?

NO! Taryn assured me that what i did was in fact the RIGHT thing to do, and no one could take that small triumph away from me.  

That Tiny Victory was good for me--granted the result hurts like......well....hell.........but i can live with that.  I stood up for myself. I stood up for what was right. I stood up for my happiness. I stood up for my future--i want more than that.  

In a strew of many hard days (already passed, and yet to come) today was a good day. 

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