Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And Now.....

Good things all around!

No massage therapy school.  I think that was just my thing to tell people. People are nosey, and they need to know you have a plan.  I didnt really have a plan--and i didnt feel good or passionate about my "plan."  

But now. I think i've got one. It feels good!

Also--the car accident turned out to not be so awful afterall. My wonderful mama found me a nice toyota corolla that is MANUAL! how fun! i'm going to pick it up when i go home next weekend. Also another bonus--going home! man, i'm stoked for all of it!

Today i don't have to work till 4 so i slept in, got ready, went to lunch--had amazing mexican food--and now i'm at the library catching up on all my thingssssssss.

Life is just kinda really super swell right now.  

Im staying busy and that has done wonders for keeping some things off my mind--winning! 

1 comment:

  1. So....I love you. I'm just sitting at my compy, missing my KT, thought I would see if you had any new posts up...but you don't...but I love the thought that the reason is because you have someone to take away your blogging time...and maybe because you don't have internet haha. Blog on your phone? Idk :) But I love you. I'm glad for facebook so I can stalk you....if I wasn't someone you knew, this would be THE creepiest comment. ;) hehe
